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Why Summertime Is The Best Time To Buy A House in Chicago

Traditionally, spring has been touted as the best time to buy a house. Summer, however, edges out spring as the best house-buying season in several important respects. And in certain locations where summer temperatures reach the miserable level (for example, Phoenix), summer is the slow season for real estate and is absolutely the best time … Continued

How to Make Money From Rental Properties in Chicago

There are many things to learn before you begin making money from rentals. From locating, negotiating, and closing to rehabbing, day-to-day management, and when it’s time to sell, there are many stages of investing, leaving several opportunities along the way where you could make a costly misstep. So, read on as we explore how to … Continued

Secret Agent Hacks For A Fast Sale in Chicago

Everyone trying to sell a house, wants, understandably, to sell it fast. So most sellers spend a good amount of time, effort, and money making repairs and renovations, hoping it will all translate into a fast sale. But there’s a better way. Take a look at these secret (and some not so secret) agent hacks … Continued

How to Make Your New Chicago House Feel Like Home

After buying a new house and getting all the stuff moved in, the next task for most of us is making that new Chicago house feel like home. There is, after all, a huge difference between a living space equipped with all the necessities and plenty of amenities and an inviting place that reflects your … Continued

Why Top Investors Work With Agents in Chicago

Most investors know what they’re doing when it comes to real estate. So that’s why the really savvy investors work with agents in Chicago. Simply put, working with an agent is usually more profitable for investors – which is, after all, the whole point of investing in real estate. A good agent can help an … Continued

7 Tips To Help You Secure A Loan in Chicago

You’re ready to buy a house, you know you’ll need a large loan for that. If you’re like most of us, you’re just a little nervous about it – we all fear rejection of any kind. There are, however, several things you can do to increase your chances of getting the financing you’ll need. So … Continued

3 Ways You Can Invest in Chicago Real Estate

Real estate offers an abundance of exciting opportunities for investors. Over the long-term, when done right, real estate investments can create significant wealth and provide cash flow and provide a pathway for a secure retirement. In addition, when you are investing in real estate, focusing on personal interests and goals can often create investments that … Continued
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