Top Chicago Buyer and Seller Questions Answered

Most of the time most buyers and sellers have a lot of questions they want and need to have answered throughout the process of conducting a real estate transaction. There are some differences, though, in the sets of questions. Buyers usually have questions for the seller while sellers typically have questions that only their agent … Continued

Property Taxes: A Guide for Chicago Buyers and Sellers

Taxes are, as you know, one of those two irksome but inevitable things in life. And included among the inevitable taxes are property taxes. It’s just that with these taxes, many of us don’t know as much about them as we should or could. For example, how are property taxes calculated, who pays them in … Continued

5 Ways an Agent Can Help You Sell Your Land in Chicago

Selling land is both different from and more challenging than selling a house. Pricing is trickier, the target market is different, marketing has to be different, and it often takes longer. If you want to sell your land, you need to understand these differences and know why you need to use an experienced agent. Simply … Continued
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